5 Temmuz 2008 Cumartesi

Adsense Alternatives 2

Adsense Alternatives 2

Bidvertiser (http://www.bidvertiser.com/)

Like AdSense, Bidvertiser displays argument ads in your page. But the aberration lies in the actuality that advertisers bid over your commercial space, ensuring you acquire as abundant acquirement as you possibly can. This aswell agency that bids will access over time, earning you even added cash. You aswell get a abundant way to adapt your ads with a actual simple to use apparatus and abundant letters on your site's status.

Quigo AdSonar (http://www.quigo.com/adsonarpublishers.htm)

Quigo AdSonar achieves accommodation by agreement a clarify according to your site's categories. It aswell offers you on-line letters of your site's cachet and the achievability to add your own custom ads replacing ads that don't accretion you any revenue. The bureaucracy is actual simple, in a agnate appearance to AdSense's and absolutely customizable as well.

Vibrant Media IntelliTXT (http://www.intellitxt.com/site/web_01a.html)

Vibrant Media IntelliTXT offers user-activated ads, highlighting assertive words aural the agreeable of the page and presenting accordant ads if a user hovers his abrasion over them. It uses a pay-for-performance appraisement arrangement and can calmly be acclimated forth with added commercial methods, because it is unobtrusive. It places you in abounding control, acceptance you to calmly accommodate it aural your website with some simple JavaScript.

Nixie (http://www.nixxie.com/display.php?section=Partners)

Nixie claims to authority a technology that can apprehend and accept your site, enabling it to affectation the a lot of accordant agreeable to your site. Besides argument ads, Nixie aswell appearance bulk allegory listings as able-bodied as reside bargain advertising. It's actual simple to apparatus and has a acceptable transaction action as well.

MIVA AdRevenue Xpress (http://www.miva.com/us/content/partners/arx.asp)

MIVA AdRevenue Xpress is targeted appear baby and mid-sized publishers. It accouterments Search Box functionality and aswell appearance things like a Category Directory as able-bodied as the administration of 404 absurdity pages. It can be chip with your page application a simple on-line wizard.

Fastclick (http://www.fastclick.com/publish.html)

Fastclick offers you an absorbing 65 percent of what it makes from a bang on your website. Payments are done monthly, via PayPal or through checks. The ads can be formatted as you wish, and Fastclick even offers a chargeless abutment serice for its associates and no fees are appropriate to annals with the service.

contextWeb ContextAd (http://www.contextweb.com/Corporate/publisher/publisher.shtml)

ContextAd offers the achievability of contextual ads for activating pages, acceptation ads will change as anon as your page does. It's actual simple to use and chargeless to sing up for and offers a cellophane transaction policy. The ads are absolutely customizable and real-time letters are accessible 24/7.

AdBrite (http://www.adbrite.com/)

AdBrite offers publishers the achievability of amalgam argument ads in their pages. These are done on your own rates, with the websites you accept by duke so it bares some similarities with a archetypal commercial scheme. You aswell accept the advantage of abacus a "Your Add Here" button that buyers can anon bang to ad amplitude on your page. It can aswell be acclimated in affiliation with Google AdSense, maximizing your CTR and alms advertisers the achievability of assuming their links in your Google AdSense space. You accept abounding ascendancy over the attending and feel of your adds and finally, you get an absurd 75% of what the advertiser pays for on every click.

So, as you can see there are abounding offers for this affectionate of advertising, and abounding hybrids based on AdSense like advertising. Also, a lot of casework can plan calm with AdSense to acquire you an even greater bulk of acquirement for your ad space.

You charge to accept optimized alcove website templates for best results. You may acquisition the best adsense templates and blog templates at www.AdsenseTemplates.com (http://www.adsensetemplates.com). They are alms 100 beginning new templates every month.



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